Why You Need To Build Digital Experiences and Not Just Websites

A consumer’s decision to make a purchase is often made on the basis of convenience.
Today, consumers are moving to the online world to buy groceries, update their vehicle license, find entertainment and so much more.
The good news for your digital agency is that it makes sense, that if the consumer is online, your client’s business should be online too.
In today’s uncertain times, expanding a business so that it has an online presence is one way to maintain relevance - and for any business that is not online, it should be a ‘when’ not an ‘if’.
When moving your clients’ business online, it’s important to put yourself in the shoes of your consumer and to consider the sustainability of the site that you are building.
For your client, they should think of their site, not as a website, but as their actual business, where they place their consumer at the heart of any online decision they make.
A simple brochure site will get overlooked - and in the long run, may cost. Look at building Digital Experience Platforms (DXPs) that integrate with the latest tools and technologies and that provide the customer with a seamless, and enjoyable, brand experience.
So, why is a Digital Experience Platform (DXP) important?
When building a DE, your agency and your client should consider using a User-First approach that focuses on building client-centric rather than brand-focused experiences.
Consider what the consumer wants, and how your clients’ product or service will help them meet their needs. Then, look at how you can build experiences, and integrate offerings - all on one site, to offer the best experience.
A user-first approach can be a win-win for all parties involved - brand and consumer - and it will allow your customers to reap the rewards of brand advocates, repeat customers and a growing list of new customers.
Today, consumers are calling the shots. They expect a seamless experience, not just for the buying part of their customer- journey, but at every point of interaction with a business - whether it’s an online payment; signing up for a course; downloading of information; or even, if it comes to it, a customer complaint.
Building online experiences that connect with your client’s customers throughout their lifecycle can boost relationships and reputation around your clients’ brands, and position them as a leader in their industry.
Your DXP can provide the necessary tools needed to anticipate the next steps of a customer, enabling them to place trust in a brand as their go-to - because today’s consumers want to be heard. This can boost customer engagement and relationships, as well as build a reputation among existing and potential customers.
If this year has taught us anything, it’s that this world is unpredictable and ever-changing. It’s key when building an online presence for your client’s, that you take a look into the future and prepare for it.
Online businesses should be ready to upscale, or downscale, if necessary and a DXP will allow you to scale, keep up-to-date with the latest consumer buying trends, or expand a business offering.
A DXP is flexible and ready for change.
A company's internal team is an important aspect of creating and improving Digital Experiences. When building sites for your clients, bear in mind that the best brand advocates are the people that are selling a product or service.
Create digital experiences where teams can work smarter in less time, allowing for collaboration and working towards a common goal - making not only a work experience an enjoyable and rewarding one, but also paving the way for happy customers.
Digital Experience Platforms (DXPs) are paving the way for the future and will soon make brochure sites obsolete.
At Siteglide, we help agencies build and manage User-First Digital experiences - we put the user at the core of SIteglide, which creates opportunity for personalisation, automation, and richer web experiences.
Not only can you rebuild your digital experiences with a proper DXP, but you can rebuild your agency! Sign up here to become a Siteglide partner.