
Migrating from Adobe Business Catalyst: Where to Next?

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Luke Wakefield
19 February 2019

With many partners still reeling from the news, few have made solid plans for their journey into a post-BC era. Indeed, Adobe were forced to extend the shutdown process for Business Catalyst partners amongst the widespread outcry following the announcement that BC would no longer be providing CMS services.

While existing partners have until 2021 to complete their migration, many tech experts, and even Adobe themselves, are advising partners to migrate their data and websites to new services as soon as possible.

Selecting the right web hosting platform isn’t always easy, however. Whether you were using Business Catalyst as a base for your own site or as a web platform for your clients, choosing your new partner is an important decision. Central to your business success, the security, functionality and features offered by your new web hosting and CMS provider must surpass those provided by BC if you want to see continued growth within your industry.

If you’re still unsure where to turn or you’re hunting for your next partner, why not take a look at Siteglide? Developed with the best of BC in mind, we’ve added new features and improved the functionality of familiar tools, so your site and your business can perform better than ever before.

Moving Your Data to Siteglide

If you’ve been using Adobe Business Catalyst for some time, any move to a new partner is going to feel like a wrench. Even if you’ve encountered issues with the BC platform, the familiarity of using the same CMS provider for an extended period of time can make it difficult to upgrade.

At Siteglide, we understand the benefits BC had and why it was a first-choice solution for so many website owners and companies. By identifying the most used BC features, we’ve been able to develop our own enhanced versions, which can provide you with a better end result when compared to BC functionality.

What’s more – we’re familiar with the migration process and the way in which you’ll need to manage your move in order to keep your site up and running at full speed. If you’re moving just one website or hundreds, we can help to ensure that the move goes smoothly and that you don’t suffer any unwanted side effects as a result of migrating your data from BC to Siteglide.

Using the Siteglide Platform for Agencies

Although any company can be affected by the closure of Adobe Business Catalyst, agencies have been among the hardest hit. Responsible for tens, hundreds or even thousands of websites, agencies are scrambling to find viable alternatives in a relatively short timeframe.

In addition to this, agencies are having to invest time and money into reassuring their clients that they’ve found a secure and reliable solution to BC. Created with agencies in mind, Siteglide has partnered with numerous firms and more are joining the Siteglide family every day.

If you’re migrating from BC or you’re looking for a CMS for agencies, contact us at Siteglide now.

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